Since our physical appearance plays such an important role in our personal and social success, it is essential that we take proper care of it. After food and sleep, feeling attractive is the third basic need of any human being in good health.
Particularly in large cities, the modern world is characterized by the multiplicity & rapidity of contacts between humans, thus the importance of the appearance or the look that we display at first glance.
Our face, the "window" to our body, plays a prominent role in our physical attractiveness. A skin that appears young, firm and plump & without wrinkles, pulpy lips are all desired criteria of youth & vitality. The eternal quest for beauty and youth and maintaining it is nothing new to human society. It has now intensified in modern society, where the omnipresent image of the media prevails. Stars and celebrities seen in the various "people" magazines, whom the whole world is crazy about, seem to always stay young and beautiful.
Today there are a number of non-invasive ways for people to maintain a youthful and beautiful look.
Medical injection techniques enable to see improvements in the skin's appearance, vitality & volume and in erasing the wrinkles of the face rapidly, effectively and almost without side effects. Injections of botulinum toxin rub out expression wrinkles from the upper part of the face, aesthetic mesotherapy multi-injections (mesolift) truly nourish the skin on the spot and injections of hyaluronic acid help decrease or eliminate wrinkles of any type, restore volume to the cheeks and cheekbones & to the lips.
All of the above procedures have now become nearly commonplace and for most people undergoing them will soon be part of the same routine as going to the hairdresser.
Dermyal® - the latest evolution in injectable hyaluronic acid - makes it possible to recover your full vitality and glamour, and to boost the volumes and redesign the contours of your face.
Dermyal® exists in five proven and complementary formulations which safely fulfill your desires and needs for aesthetic rejuvenation. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor about Dermyal®.